Why WOM Works

“92% of respondents reported that a positive recommendation from a friend, family member, or someone they trust is the biggest influence on whether they buy a product or service..”

― Paul M Rand, Author of “Highly Recommended: Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth and Social Media to Build Your Brand and Your Business”

What’s better than word-of-mouth advertising? Not only is it low cost, it is the most credible and effective way to spread the word about your business.

Word-of-mouth used to mean two neighbors talking over their fence or two coworkers chatting at lunch. The internet changed that forever. Today, word-of=mouth is created organically in reviews, tweets, and images. People can solicit the option of hundreds of others from the palm of their hand.

Understanding how to harness the power of the internet to spread the word about your business can be the difference between you being the lead dog or having a view that never changes. The Sentry team believes that using mystery shopping and reputation management together arms businesses with the insight they need to understand the strength of their current operation, identify areas for improvement and understand how to enhance sales and profits.

More Industries That We Serve


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Valet Parking

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Child Care

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Health and Wellness

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Senior Living

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